Kolekce Hold historickým mincovnám - Prague Mint
weight: 31,1 g
purity: 999/1000 Ag
edge plain s opisem
limited mintage of unc. quality: 1000 pcs
issue day: June 2012
Objednávkový kód: CRM1005
Prague Mint was among the workplace, which is not created for the purpose of processing of newly mined precious metals (such as Kutna Hora, Jchymov), but the production system of money to fulfill a different role. From the very beginning of its existence was dependent on imports of feedstock, which in the 16th century significantly influenced its production possibilities. It was officially still reigns Mint established in Prague since 1535. Its main production program was initially focused exclusively on full-fledged business minting coins (gold and silver ducats Czech dollars, pltolar and tvrttolar) that have benefited from the financial department specialists Czech court chamber (established in Prague in 1527) for the payment of foreign debts Czech king and the need for himself the ruler and his courtiers, as this was a coin across Europe generally accepted. Silver coins lower values ??kreutzer currency and small denominations in Prague Mint began producing since 1561, when Ferdinand I. unsuccessfully attempted to adapt the production of Czech coins imperial monetary system, temporarily established 1559. After the currency reform in 1573, which the Czech state returned to their own independent monetary system, the program was reduced to Prague Mint minting of ducats and thalers and also older remonetarizaci downloaded from circulation coinage Krejcar from which even in Prague started to mint new coins major conventional terrestrial Czech currency (ie. white groe).
A significant change of the Prague Mint brought to the imminent transfer of the permanent seat of the royal court of Vienna to change Prahy.Tuto residential structure Habsburg monarchy already prepared Maximilian II. (1564-1576), but de jure was carried out during the reign of Rudolf II. 1583. Prague mint and besides ensuring a sufficient number of small and ordinary Czech coins for the needs of the growing number of inhabitants of Prague towns began again to produce for the princely court in increased gold ducats and silver thaler, and also a representative of the coin as previously unprecedented scale weight ducats dollars.
The main silver coin business but stayed tolar. Just in case this coin influenced Emperor Rudolf II. its external appearance significantly, especially in terms of artistic rendition of royal symbolism. The traditional heraldic concept has been replaced by a new display of imperial eagle by the Italian master Antonio Abondio medal. The original artistic quality of the original imperial court medailra she could not be less experienced manufacturer of punches reproduced in their original quality, but this unusual rendition imperial eagle were taking on Czech tolar coinage until 1603.
Replica of Prague thaler from 1580 is the oldest version of the artistic interpretation of the form of the young emperor Rudolf II., Used on the face Czech tolar coins. The reverse side of the imperial eagle, however, has been the artistic quality artwork Abondiov significantly lagging behind.
Prof. Dr.. Petr Vorel, CSc.