40ti dukát Ludvíka Jagellonského
weight: 139,5 g
purity: 999,9/1000 Au
edge: plain, numbered
limited mintage: 100 pcs
quality standard
Objednávkový kód: CRM74
Louis Jagiello - (1st 7th 1506 - 29. 8. 1526) - Czech and Hungarian king. He faced the Turkish invasion of Europe. In the lost battle of Mohacs himself lost his life. Louis was the son of Vladislav Jagiello II. Jagiello and his wife Anne de Candal (also written Anne de Foix-Candal), which, however, the birth of a son survived only a few weeks.
For the Hungarian king Louis was already crowned in 1508 and a year later as King of Bohemia. Sick Vladislav wanted a son in advance to ensure throne. When he died in 1516, took custody of the minor successor to his uncle Sigismund I the Old, who was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania.
Under the Jagiellonian weakening of royal authority in Hungary and especially in Bohemia, where the rivalry oligarchs brought the country to the brink of civil war. Louis was the acting head of state character still better equipped than its moderate and indecisive father. In 1521 he married the daughter of the Spanish King Philip I. Mary and the following year he went to Bohemia to umravnil squabbling nobles, deprived her of excess powers and restore order in the country. The situation calmed down for a short time, after the king's return to Buda in Bohemia strife broke out again.
Louis soon had to face a much worse threat. And that was the invasion of the Turks into Europe. Louis, who is from European rulers received little support, with Turkish outnumbered fought in the Battle of Mohacs. After losing the fight himself perished in the surrounding swamps, when the front of the troops of Sultan Suleiman I tried to escape. Louis was the last Jagellons on Czech and Hungarian throne. His demise heralded the onset of the Habsburg dynasty.