200Sk 1997/ I. Vajanský - unc.
diameter: 34 mm
weight: 20 g
purity: 750/1000 Ag, 250/1000 Cu
edge: plain, with frieze: „SPISOVATEL - KRITIK - NOVINAR - POLITIK“
quality Proof - 1800 pcs
quality unc. - 17400 pcs
Objednávkový kód: KSSK81
weight: 20 g
purity: 750/1000 Ag, 250/1000 Cu
edge: plain, with frieze: „SPISOVATEL - KRITIK - NOVINAR - POLITIK“
quality Proof - 1800 pcs
quality unc. - 17400 pcs
Objednávkový kód: KSSK81
ABOUT 200Sk 1997/ I. Vajanský - b.k.
The writer Svetozar Hurban Vajansky (16.1.1847 Hlboke - 17.8.1916 Martin), was the leading representative of Slovak public life around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a bearer of the idea of national emancipation and Slavonic community in the period of the culmination of oppression of the Slovaks in the Kingdom of Hungary. The collection "Tatry a more" (The Tatry and the sea), significantly stimulated the growth of realism in Slovak poetry. In stories (Letiace tiene - Flying shadow, Pustokvet - Desert flower, Blizence - The Twins) and novels (Sucha ratolest - Dry twig, Koren a vyhonky - Root-and-shoot, Kotlin - Of the Valleys), he portrayed contemporary social problems. His editorial activity, popular writing and artistic criticism in the area of literature, creative art and theatre, influenced whole generations of Slovak artists, intellectuals and politicians.
Description of the coin
The coat of arms of the Slovak Republic is depicted in the middle of the coin. The nominal value of the coin and the name of the monetary unit are placed in a curve around it. The name of the state: "SLOVENSKA REPUBLIKA" and the year of issue, are placed in a curve around the margin of the coin.
A fragment of a portrait of Svetozar Hurban Vajansky is placed in the centre of the coin. The name and the years of his birth and death are given in a curve to the right of the portrait.
The writer Svetozar Hurban Vajansky (16.1.1847 Hlboke - 17.8.1916 Martin), was the leading representative of Slovak public life around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a bearer of the idea of national emancipation and Slavonic community in the period of the culmination of oppression of the Slovaks in the Kingdom of Hungary. The collection "Tatry a more" (The Tatry and the sea), significantly stimulated the growth of realism in Slovak poetry. In stories (Letiace tiene - Flying shadow, Pustokvet - Desert flower, Blizence - The Twins) and novels (Sucha ratolest - Dry twig, Koren a vyhonky - Root-and-shoot, Kotlin - Of the Valleys), he portrayed contemporary social problems. His editorial activity, popular writing and artistic criticism in the area of literature, creative art and theatre, influenced whole generations of Slovak artists, intellectuals and politicians.
Description of the coin
The coat of arms of the Slovak Republic is depicted in the middle of the coin. The nominal value of the coin and the name of the monetary unit are placed in a curve around it. The name of the state: "SLOVENSKA REPUBLIKA" and the year of issue, are placed in a curve around the margin of the coin.
A fragment of a portrait of Svetozar Hurban Vajansky is placed in the centre of the coin. The name and the years of his birth and death are given in a curve to the right of the portrait.